By Julia Carmichael

You see your doctor every six months for a checkup. During this time, he checks your cholesterol to see how your levels are looking. If your levels are high, he may suggest some things you can do to help lower your cholesterol, and then make an appointment to check your levels again in six months. But what if you want to check your cholesterol more often? Is there a way to keep closer tabs on your cholesterol levels than just seeing your doctor every six months?

There are several ways to test your cholesterol levels at home. Your local pharmacy or drugstore probably stocks or can order a wide variety of these home cholesterol kits. Some of these kits are similar to a blood glucose meter while others use a litmus type test.

One of the least expensive of these home cholesterol tests allows you to place a drop of blood on a chemically treated pad. After a short period of time, you compare the resulting color on the chemical pad with a color chart which gives you a general idea of your cholesterol level. These tests are inexpensive and are ideal for those who just want to get a general idea of how their cholesterol levels are looking.


For those who want more specific results, there are also cholesterol meters available for sale. These cholesterol testers work much like a blood glucose monitor and give you a more precise reading than the litmus-type tests. To use these testers, you place a drop of blood on a test strip which is inserted into the cholesterol meter. You are then given a specific number that represents your total cholesterol level.

If you plan to check your cholesterol at home, there are some important factors to keep in mind. First, your cholesterol will not change drastically from day-to-day. Therefore, there is no reason to check your cholesterol every day. It will take at least one week for any diet or exercise changes to make a difference in your cholesterol level. It is also important to test your cholesterol at the same time each day. The best time to check your cholesterol level is in the morning before


Also, an at-home cholesterol check will only give you a total cholesterol level. There are no home tests yet that will discover both an HDL and LDL cholesterol level. In fact, the only way to find out your LDL or bad cholesterol level is to have your doctor conduct a fasting blood cholesterol test. While doctors sometimes conduct a nonfasting cholesterol test, only the total and HDL levels of these tests will be accurate.

If you want to keep a closer eye on your cholesterol level that just seeing your doctor every so often, there are various cholesterol tests and testers to choose from. Depending on how much money you want to spend on a tester you can get a general idea of how high your cholesterol is or you can get a pinpointed number.

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