Serious Skin Care Get Rid Of Your Acne Today!}

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Submitted by: C Hunnter
Acne is a term that covers pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and other skin blemishes. Though acne is known to be a common problem among young people, this skin condition can affect at any age. Though there are a lot of preventive measures in order to avoid acne breakouts, here is a serious skin care routine to heal existing acne:
One of the most important serious skin care is to avoid popping zits or pimples. This may just make the condition worse because of irritation and inflammation. Popping the spots can spread the infection, resulting to more pimple appearance. If you happen to pop a zit, make sure to clean the area immediately with soap and water or alcohol to prevent infection. In addition, you can apply a mixture of ground cinnamon and honey on the popped spot and put a bandage.
Make sure to remove your makeup especially before sleeping. Make ups tend to clog the skin pores that can make it more prone to pimple-causing bacteria.
In washing your face, always use mild soap especially if you have sensitive skin. Stay away from products that contain chemicals such as harsh antibacterial soaps and facial cleansers that can actually make the acne condition worsen as it irritates the skin.
Exfoliate regularly to eliminate dead skin cells by using gentle scrubs. Natural defoliants are highly recommended such as ground walnut shells or oatmeal. You can also use over-the-counter products including glycolic acid or salicylic acid. In addition, using thick moisturizer such as cocoa butter with ground walnut shell is an effective way to exfoliate. However, avoid too much exfoliating because it may increase skin irritation. Furthermore, pat your face with a clean, soft cloth when drying and never rub your face especially after exfoliating.
It is essential to choose a good toner. Wipe it using cotton or spray onto your face. Toner tightens pores and helps get rid of excess cleanser. You can use inexpensive but good toners such as plain witch hazel that is best for normal to dry skin, three percent hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice for those who have oily skin and for people who have problems with severe oiliness, seventy percent ethyl alcohol is recommended but it may dry out and irritate the skin. Remember that bacteria causes pimples and in order to eliminate the amount of bacteria, use toners that contain anti-bacterial agents such as peroxide, benzalkonium chloride and alcohol.
Maintain a serious skin care routine in order to eliminate acne. Remember that most acne products in the market take time, usually between a couple of weeks and eight weeks before you see skin improvement. Be patient and make to continue with your acne treatment in order to avoid acne in the future.
If you dont see any improvement in using acne treatments, it is best to visit a doctor or a dermatologist. Mild antibiotics prescribed by doctors are known to be effective in fighting acne.
There are also simple and effective ways to get rid of acne such as keeping your hair away from your face.
It is important to get plenty of sleep because stress is known to increase the oiliness of the skin especially if combined with dirt and sweat, which can clog skins pores and cause acne.
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